МН17 вполне можно перепутать Ил-76, если невозможно увидеть в оптический прицел из-за облачности.
Оба большие, значит отраженный сигнал приблизительно одинаковый по мощности.
Ил-76 может летать на высоте 10 км.
I am aware of that. But still an Ил-76 would not fly at 10 km if fit wanted to drop paratroopers, weaponry or food supplies for the Ukrainians that were trapped at the Russian border. So I do not believe the crew of the Buk mistook MH17 for an AN-26, like the Dutch prosecution service suggests.
By the way, I read somewhere that the Ukrainians that were trapped at the border fled to Russia and were captured there. Is this true? And if yes, do you know a reliable source for this story?
Фотографии (или кадры видео) наклонного дымного следа сделаны приблизительно в то же самое время, что и фотографии Алейникова, то есть на расстоянии 600 метров от точки "В".
Why do you think the pictures that were taken from Snizhne (by Irina Mazurova) could have been video frames? One of them is zoomed in and the other one is zoomed out. Same thing with the pictures that she posted on 15 July on VKontakte. One was zoomed in and the other was zoomed out.
How did you calculate that the Aleynikov smoke plume was photographed in the same location as the Mazurova smoke plume? According to the JIT it looks like the plume on Mazurova’s photos is in another location than the plume in Aleynikov’s photo’s: 300 to 400 meters west of the agricultural field. JIT thinks this has to do with elevation gain.
Why doesn’t anyone in Russia visit Mazurova (she moved from Snizhne to Kursk) and ask her about the photos? She may still have the originals. Anyone on this forum who lives in Kursk?
Фотоаппарат Алейникова прибыл в СБУ в конце июля 2014 года, в Голландию он прибыл 12 августа 2014 года. Следствие имело возможность выяснить и запротоколировать рассинхронизацию часов фотоаппарата Алейникова с мировым временем UTC.
It must have been easy for the Dutch forensic investigators of NFI to compare Aleynikov’s camera clock with UTC world time. So why doubt what the Dutch court said about the clock drift? To me it seems checking a camera clock with UTC world time seems to be a more accurate method than the shadow angle method.
При прилете с юга большинство бабочек (см. розовый сектор) входило в поверхности боинга под острыми углами и они не могли оставить характерные следы в принципе.
If a missile coming from Шапошниково doesn’t make much butterfly shaped holes then the same goes for a missile coming from Zaroshchenske, isn’t it? Like you Almaz Antey alleges a “collision course” of the missile. What does Almaz Antey say about this? Did Almaz Antey say the missing butterfly shaped holes prove that the missile could not have been fired from Pervomaiskyi? I don’t think so, nut maybe I have missed something?
Why do you think the missile came from Шапошниково? It is just outside the 9M38 area that was calculated by Almaz-Antey. Was it under control of the separatists? In this BBC-video of 24 July I see militia men:
Why is it you think that the missile from Shaposhnikovo was launched at 13:19:40? Is this because of the time that it took for a Buk missile to reach the Boeing?
разговор, состоявшийся через десять минут после 16:20 между двумя людьми, которые, по-видимому, еще не знали о случившейся незадолго до этого катастрофе.
Эти люди обсуждают, что на фронте тихо. Что они ждут атаки, но Ким подтверждает, что пока атак не было. Во время разговора человек на линии говорит Харченко вздохнув: «Ну, слава богу, может, просто перехватили переговоры». (…) Главным является то, что кто-то вбросил фейковую информацию об авианалете в 13 часов, которого в действительности не было.
How can you be so sure that the Ukrainians spread fake news about an air raid? Maybe they first planned it and then cancelled it when they learned that a Buk-Telar was placed near Snizhne to shoot them down?
Предполагаю, что А26, как и М58 и S40 (Руслан Квасов) являются свидетелями пуска из точки "В" в 13:20:10...15, то есть в то время, когда сбитый в 13:20:05...06 боинг уже падал.
Have you been able to identify other witnesses that were interviewed by JIT apart from A26 and S40?
Это дает мне основания предполагать, что пункт "1" был частью спланированной Киевом операции по уничтожению МН17.
Lots of passenger planes were flying over de the combat zone. Do you think they could have shot any passenger plane? In other words: Did they randomly shoot at a passenger plane? Or did they pick out MH17 for some reason?
JIT предполагает, что один из телефонов находился в буке в точке "B"
When and where did JT say this? The prosecution service has said that Pulatov provided the Buk crew with a phone with a Ukrainian phone number. They did not say Pulatov gave one of his own phones to the Buk crew. By the way, later the prosecution service no longer accused Pulatov of having provided the Buk crew with a phone.
Но это не дает ответ на вопрос, почему оба телефона соединялись со своими вышками в одно и тот же время 16:19 - 16:41. По моему мнению это указывает на ошибочность таблицы.
I agree with you. Neither do I understand this. Pulatov’s defense lawyers gave no explanation. With this table they tried to illustrate what they said in court on 23 June 2020 about Pulatov’s phones connecting with two different cell phone antennas at the same time. They handed out this table on paper to some journalists who attended the court sessions of 23 June 2020.
По моему убеждению, МН17 сбит Киевом умышленно.
Why do you think MH17 was deliberately shot down by Kiev?
Лукашевич - это уникальное антироссийское зловоние. И только по этой причине оно стало номерным свидетелем в суде, чем рассмешило весь мир. Свидетелем чего мог быть Лукашевич?
I understand he received the photos shot by Aleynikov in the original format?
И вообще, по моему мнению, вся история поставки этого бука и перевозки по территории Донбасса намекает на, то что это было частью спланированной Киевом провокации.
You mean that Kiev knew that this Russian Buk was coming and that they deliberately not tried to stop it from coming? They collected evidence of its presence and then shot down MH17 with one of their own Buks? The thought has crossed my mind. I really think it could have happend this way.