ОБНОВЛЕНО по результатам обсуждения темы на 20-07-2015
Таблица с отметками с дисплея ростовского авиадиспетчера:
Отметки на спутниковой карте местности:
Расшифровка отметок:Plots:
The plots, which have not still created a track, can be displayed for selected radar. Once the track is created, the plot symbol is not longer displayed.
The plot symbol is a shape associated to a unique plot, which location in the SIT Area is automatically moved by the system in order to present the actual position of the flight. The symbols to each type of plot are described in following table:
The track symbol is a shape associated to a unique track, which location on the SDD SIT Area is automatically moved by the system in order to represent the actual position of the flight. The symbols associated to each type of track are described in following table:
Track Label:
The track label is a set of essential information related to the track. This information is organized in lines and fields. The contents for track label can be configured offline, and for each track type, three configurations are currently available, one for each role (approach, enroute and tower).
The current role is displayed in the Main Menu area and can be modified by DATABLK window. For tracks whose Ground speed is greater than 999 knots, this speed is indicated in track label by the previous “^” symbol in YELLOW colour. Ex. Ground speed of 200 knots is indicated in track label by the value “200”, but 1200 knots is indicated as ^200.
Here is a brief squema about label fields for each track type in each role, for first given configuration.Note:
Mode A field is filled with "////" for PSR tracks with no assigned code and with "XXXX" for SSR tracks with no assigned code.
Mode C field is filled with "////" for tracks without mode C, with "****" for tracks with invalid mode C, and an "A" field is displayed as first character when mode C was corrected with QNH.Общая информация об INDRA:
Main components:
Flight Data Processing (FDP). It is based on RISC redundant computers. It manages the flight plans generated within the System or coming from external sources, including the Repetitive Flight Plans (RPLs). It confirms all flight data inputs, calculates the flights‟ progression and keeps all controllers inform by means of screen displays and flight plan strips printing. Redundant configuration designs the System, having an FDP as operative and another one as reserve, with the possibility to switch them.
Surveillance Data Processor (SDP). It is based on RISC redundant computers. It receives and processes data (primary, secondary and meteorological) coming from the radar sites. Next, it performs the merge all the received information to create a coherent airspace picture for controllers‟ (SDD) presentation. It also performs surveillance tasks (STCA, MTCD) between aircraft and integrates the radar information and the flight plan information in order to get a precise tracking. The System is duplicated (operative/reserve) being possible to switch them.
Radar Communications Processor (RDCU). It centralizes the System radar communications to interpret and convert the received radar formats to join them. The System is composed of two RDCU units working parallel. It is possible to carry out the received radar data reproduction during an established period.
Controlling positions:
Situation Data Display (SDD). It is based on powerful workstations that receive data processed by both the SDP and the FDP. Later on, it manages all these information for a coherent displaying at the controllers screens (SDD). At the same time, it displays additional relevant information such as geographic maps, meteorological data, etc.
Flight Data Display (FDD). It displays information concerning flight plans not supplying data display of data on air situation. It allows controllers to perform adjustments on flight plans and other significant data.
Control and Monitoring Display (CMD). It performs a continuous real time supervision of the System. It also allows monitoring and System elements‟ status change, sectorization modification, management of certain configurable parameters, etc.
Auxiliary equipment:
Commom Timing Facility (CTF). It receives the GPS time, spread to all the subsystem (via LAN) and all clocks (via Terminals) with NTP protocol.
Data Recording Facilities (DRF). It performs the continuous recording of tracks, flight plans data and controller actions to allow a later reproduction and analysis.
Data Base Management (DBM). It provides the necessary facilities the creation and modification of the adaptation databases to supply the system with the precise knowledge of its geographical environment to achieve the required efficiency. From this database, all necessary data to define the control centre characteristics are defined (fixpoints, aerodromes, airways, sectorization, adjacent control centres, QNH zones, etc.)
Situation Data Display (SDD) Position Overview
The SDD Position consists on a powerful workstation to display radar data and flight plans. Its main functions are:
- Radar tracks, plots and meteorological outlines display
- Flight plans lists display
- Automatic modification of flight plans lists according to the different flight plan statuses
- Display of lists of flights in Hold, Lost or Conflict
- Route graphical display of flight plans with estimates of passing time and levels on each route fixpoint
- Flight Plan route graphical modification
- Aeronautical maps display
- Local maps display and generation
- Restricted areas display.
- Control of displayed information (range, cantering, filters, RBLs, etc.)
- Support controller‟s actions (clearances, ATD, ARR, EST, etc.)
- Hand-over procedures between sectors and externals
- Flight plan strip printing both automatically and manually
- Access to Flight Plans database (retrieve, creation, modification, deletion)
- Safety Nets display: MSAW (Minimum Safe Altitude Warning), STCA (Short-Term Conflict Alert), and APW (Area Proximity Warning)
- Display of MTCD (Medium-Term Conflict Alert) and traffic extrapolation for future situations
- Display and process of data in by-pass mode as a capacity of the Fallback System in case the SDP servers fall down
- Traffic recording of last 24 hours (tracks, flight plans, screen statuses)
- Recordings reproduction (24-hours reproduction mode and DRF reproduction mode)Glossary of Terms:
Adjust Correction. Correction (azimuth and range) applied to all plots received from the radar when the System detects an adjustment error. The adjustment error is calculated by subtracting the range and azimuth of the fixed transponder (received from the radar) from the nominal values, which are within the adaptation data for the fixed transponder.
Collimation Error. It is composed of a range error and an azimuth error. The collimation error is calculated when the primary plot reinforces a secondary plot by calculating the primary plot differences in range and azimuth from the secondary plot.
Lost FP. A track (aircraft) is lost when a radar return has not been received for a particular target. When this happens, the target tracker projects a target position based on the target‟s previous positions and generates a new track position update for the display. A lost track is dropped from both the display and the target tracker‟s database if its lost time exceeds a Variable System Parameter limit.
Mono-radar Track. Information set, evolving in time, related to an aircraft, based upon radar information received from a unique radar site and used by the computer for tracking purposes.
Multi-radar Track. Information set, evolving in time, related to an aircraft and obtained from the synthesis of all mono-radar tracks that represent the above referenced aircraft.
Plot. Set of information, with relation to an aircraft, received from the radar set.
Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR). Radar sensor used to determine the position of an aircraft.
Radar. A device which, by measuring the time interval between transmission and reception of radio pulses and correlating the angular orientation of the radiated antenna beam or beams in azimuth and/or elevation, provides information on range, azimuth, and/or elevation of objects in the path of the transmitted pulses.
Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR). Radar sensor used to interrogate aircraft transponder equipment to receive SSR Codes, barometric pressure information, and/or the SPI.
The Mode 3/A SSR Codes are used to identify individual flights in ATS. When the SSR detects a flight, its SSR Code is used to correlate the flight with the corresponding Flight Plan.
SSR Codes assignment and management is a fundamental part of the civil ATS systems. As SSR Codes are based on 4 octal-digits, there are only 4096 available codes to use around the world.Track. It is the projection on the earth surface of the aircraft route. The route direction at any point is expressed in degrees (magnetic North).
Track Label. Collection of tabular data displayed on one to four lines. The data label is linked to its corresponding track by a leader line.
Transponder. L-band radar receiver/transmitter carried aboard certain aircraft. It transmits a beacon code and Mode C altitude (if so equipped), in response to an interrogation from Secondary Surveillance Radar. The data provided by a transponder can be in any of the following forms: Mode 3/A, Mode 2, or Mode C.
Фактура поста закончилась, далее - свободные рассуждения.
Дополнение 1:
Радары УВД, АПОИ и ИНДРА заточены под стандартные условия сопровождения целей, то есть, не на случай отвала копита и падения. Одна РП дает исчерпывающий объем информации по целям для ИНДРА, чтобы решать эти задачи. Переключение между данными разные позиций каждые 5 секунд бессмысленно и даже вредно с точки зрения надежного сопровождения целей - повышает нагрузку на систему в целом. Тем более, что разные РП не могут физически облучать одну и туже цель ровно со сдвигом 5 секунд. В случае 10-секундного цикла данных с РП при 5-секундном цикле вывода отметок на дисплей проще построить экстраполированную промежуточную точку, зная направление и скорость цели, и это делает (!)АПОИ РП.
Можно с этой позиции посмотреть на пары отметок от 13:20:47/13:20:52 и далее, где, ВОЗМОЖНО, каждая первая - измеренная, вторая - экстраполированная.
Ответ, почему на 117 градусах ИНДРА брала за основу данные с РП "Батуринская", ВОЗМОЖНО, кроется в разрешении радаров по углу и дальности. Вероятно, позиция цели более точно определяется той РП, которая находится на перпендикуляре к трассе цели, а не на одной линии с ней.
Ответ, почему после 13:20:17 РП "Батуринская" потеряла центроплан, ВОЗМОЖНО, кроется также в расстоянии 260 км, в снижении центроплана, что вместе с радиотенью создало условия для существеннного уменьшения отраженного сигнала.
Дополнение 2:
Вообще-то за время, истекшее с брифинга МО РФ с демонстрацией видео, снятого видеокамерой с экрана диспетчера, специалисты должны были давно изучить системные файлы, выяснить, какие отметки и почему появились на экране. И, скорее всего, давно это сделали. И имеют полную ясность, что было экстраполировано, а что является вообще ложными отметками, которые АПОИ и КСА реал-тайм приняли за сигналы, отраженные от цели. Не исключено, что последние (штук 10) отметки нашей таблицы вообще нужно выбросить, потому что АПОИ и КСА были в шоке: ближе к земле, где возможности PSR падают, появились отраженные сигналы от двух целей (центроплан и хвост), каждая из них не имеет выраженного направления горизонтального вектора скорости, уровень отраженного сигнала скачет из-за вращения ...
В результате можно предположить, что дело так, или так, или близко к этому.
Появление центроплана в Грабово с южного (+/-) направления. то есть со стороны Глуховского леса, подтверждается:
- траекторией "полотенцев", на видео очевидца из Пелагеевки;
- траекторией ветоши, на видео очевидца у шахты Прогресс.
Дополнение 3 от 20.07.2015
При недостатке информации предположений может быть много.
Как вариант: Индра перешла на экстраполяцию отметок по прямой до Глуховского леса в связи с уходом боинга в пике. Если это было крутое пике, как у TWA841, то во время пикирования боинг находился на одном расстоянии от радаров, потому отраженные сигналы накладывались друг на друга. С точки зрения Индры боинг остановился. А поскольку это нелогично, то она перешла на визуальную экстраполяцию, а в мозгах пыталась строить треки из имеющихся от радаров отметок. После выхода боинга из крутого пике где-то перед 13:20:47 отраженные сигналы от него растянулись по карте, и Индра "увидела" трек и начала выводить его с 13:20:47. Даже если это были отметки не от центроплана, а от его баражировавшей части. Приблизительно так.