… 500274.pdf
Упоминаются сотни ПЭ в телах трех членов экипажа
The fact that hundreds of fragments were found in the bodies of the three crew members in the cockpit illustrated that the path of the fragments was affected.
Принесли сопло от бука, включили его в отчет. А имеет ли это сопло отношение к боингу - не их дело!
The shape and form of the parts recovered is consistent with a 9M38-series surface-to-air missile. Images of three of the recovered parts are shown in Figure 36 together with an indication of origin on a 9M38 series surface-to-air missile; namely an engine nozzle (1), part of one of the four stabilizer fins (2) and a data cable (3).
The text in the report makes it clear that the Dutch Safety Board makes no pronouncements as to whether the ‘Section 3 encasing fragment’ comes from the surface-to-air missile that downed the aeroplane. That is part of the criminal investigation.
Алмаз-Антей говорит, что взрыватель работает не так. Но они запросили у АА информацию, как он работает, и пришли к другому выводу.
On request of the Dutch Safety Board, Almaz-Antey delivered information about the operation of the detonation device. On the basis of this information, NLR concluded that the operation of the proximity fuse coincided with the calculated detonation point from NLR/TNO.
Дырки внутри можно вообще не смотреть из-за возможного рикошета.
Therefore, the trajectory that would be described by a warhead fragment inside an aeroplane’s fuselage cannot be deduced and cannot be used to determine a warheads detonation location. Only the impact pattern caused by penetrations, perforations and ricochets visible on the outside can be used to determine the general origin of the fragments.
Что касается фрагмента от Сепаратиста и еще двух - слишком поздно доехали, но это ничего не меняет, повреждения соответствуют выводам.
With regard to the three pieces of wreckage provided by Channel RT (see photo below):
These pieces of wreckage came from the upper left side of the cockpit. Two of these pieces were received in Ukraine on 30 September 2015 and the last piece was received on 3 October 2015. On 8 October these three pieces arrived at Gilze-Rijen Air Base. The Dutch Safety Board has assessed these pieces in the same manner as all the other pieces of wreckage.
The damage and damage pattern of these three pieces matched the damage and damage pattern of the pieces of wreckage already recovered.
И еще раз по поводу безграмотности специалистов АА.
The method used by the Russian Federation cannot be used to determine the exact detonation location of a warhead on the basis of the impact damage caused by fragments, as the trajectory described by such fragments before and after impact is not linear.
Красный (70 кг и точка взрыва дальше) подходит лучше, предлагают убедиться воочию. А что за полоса без повреждений у красного - не поясняют.
Отредактировано uschen (2016-02-26 05:28:53)